Monday 15 July 2013

Using definite articles accurately

Many students find difficulty with using the definite article, 'the', in English. There are good reasons for this: some languages do not use articles, and English-speakers are not always consistent about the use of the article.

However, students should remember that it can be confusing if they use articles inaccurately, and try to learn the basic rules. 'The' is used for specific things:

Students often have to write essays (In general)

The students on my course have to write two essays per module. (Specific)

Writers, therefore, need to ask themselves if something is general or specific:

Global warming
Cyber crime
Fossil fuels

The Russian revolution
The moons of Jupiter
The research programme begun by Dr Lee

Note also that 'the' is used with the following:

Superlatives (the fastest)

Some countries (the USA, the UK)

Time periods (the middle ages)

Unique things (the president)

Regions (the midlands)

Institutions (the University of Derby)

Positions (the left, the middle)

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