Students often ask this question, but it is easier to say what academic style is NOT rather than define what it IS. For instance, academic writing normally uses an impersonal form, rather than personal pronouns such as 'I' or 'you'. But even in this case there can be exceptions, and an acceptable style also varies from subject to subject. So one answer to the question is to read journal articles in your subject area, and notice how they are written.
But that is likely to be a slow process, so the simplest answer is perhaps to say that good academic style aims to be accurate, impersonal and objective.
a) Accurate = use vocabulary precisely, do not be vague or too general.
b) Impersonal = avoid giving your opinions or beliefs
c) Objective = show all sides of any debate and analyse the strengths and weaknesses of the arguments
For more ideas about academic style see:
Academic Writing Chapter 2.10 page 150
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