Wednesday, 26 September 2012

The language of study

New students in English-language colleges and universities often find some academic terms confusing. For example, teachers can be called, in order of seniority:

                 Professor/  Senior Lecturer/ Lecturer
A tutor is normally responsible for students'  general welfare.
All teachers give/ teach modules/courses

Newly-arrived students are freshers. Up to first degree level they are then undergraduates, and beyond that postgraduate students (or postgrads).
All students:

Study/ Take/ Read a subject (eg medicine)
           Attend lectures /seminars/ workshops/ conferences
(Note that lectures are for large numbers, while seminars are smaller groups for
Submit assignments /Meet deadlines
          Take courses/ modules

Sit & re-sit exams
           Gain Credits/ Marks

Pass/ Fail a course/module
           Receive Academic awards: First degree (eg BSc) / second or Masters degree (MA) /
          doctorate or PhD

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